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Fortune telling by hand lines and cards
Fortuneteller Angelica uses the most ancient methods of divination passed down to her from her mother, such as fortune telling on cards and hands. “Our future is in our hands,” Angelica often says, peering intently into our palms, and this is not at all surprising, because this statement most fully and optimally describes the concept of fortune telling.

Removal of damage, evil eye, love spell, family curse
Corruption is a general characteristic of a directed, negative impact on a person, due to the performance of a certain magical act, rite or ritual. The concept of "damage" does not carry any information about the nature of the induced damage or its source, but only indicates that this is the case ....
I will return my husband, wife, loved one, the crown of celibacy.
This is the name of the situation when a girl does not develop relationships with men. I have come across a variety of reasons for this condition. By perception, such an aura is perceived as "stone", it does not emit radiation, vibrations outward. A woman is energetically closed, not noticeable to men.
The chest and orange (responsible for sexual energy) chakras are often blocked.
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